My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life.
Conversations with preeminent thought leaders from a variety of fields to help you think in a multi-disciplinary way, make better decisions, kick goals in your professional and personal life and better navigate what is fast becoming, a Brave New World.
Sam Walker is The Wall Street Journal’s deputy editor for enterprise, the unit that oversees the paper’s in-depth page-one features and investigative reporting projects.
Does government have a responsibility to keep its workforce employed in the face of technological change?
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz is a New York Times op-ed contributor, a visiting lecturer at The Wharton School, and a former Google data scientist.
Mark Twain famously said that “whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, stop and reflect”.
Kevin Kelly is Senior Maverick at Wired magazine. He co-founded Wired in 1993, and served as its Executive Editor for its first seven years.
Find out why we need to keep learning, every damn day in this episode of Future Squared.
Andy Molinsky is a Professor of International Management and Organizational Behavior at Brandeis University's International Business School, with a joint appointment in the Department of Psychology. Andy’s second book, Reach, came out earlier this year, and it makes a case for successful people not necessarily wanting to do the things most of us fear but having found their own way to do them.
This is a special midweek bonus episode!
Some words of wisdom on learning from Epictetus and introducing our brand new podcast!
Tune in to hear what Sean Ellis, CEO and founder of has to say on growth hacking, innovation, and other similar topics.
Tune in to hear what colleagues Steve, Sean, and Shay have to say about all things tech, innovation, food, culture, and various other topics while atop a Singapore Highrise.
In this episode, learn what it takes to stop your innovation lab from failing.
Listen in to hear Jordan Harbinger, former U.S. State Department Employee, and the co-founder of the Art of Charm talk about the importance of relationship development and other social interactions.
Listen in to hear about corporate innovation and its importance in keeping today's companies relevant.
Listen to Massimo Pigliucci, Philosophy Professor at the City University of New York, talk about the intersection of philosophy and science and other related topics.
Listen in for a fun instalment in this Fast Fix Friday.
Tune in to hear what Drew Koven, the Managing Director of LDR Ventures has to say about the state of retail, common pitflalls that entrepreneurs take, along with other relevant topics.
Listen in for a fun instalment in this Fast Fix Friday.
Tune in to hear what Joel Gerschman, leading coach, author, and educator in business growth, along with Howard Finger, CEO of VinciWorks have to say about prioritising the important over the urgent, the importance of defining your core purpose, and other relevant topics.
Listen in to hear what Shay Namdarian, has to say about employee performance reviews, why they're broken, and how you can fix them.
Tune into this podcast to see what Brad Feld, co-founder of Foundry Group, Mobius Venture Capital, and Intensity Ventures, and Techstars has to say about the Australian startup ecosystem, depression in the startup ecosystem, and other similar topics.
In this podcast, learn the 13 things that make a world of a difference in getting the most out of corporate hackathons.
Listen in to hear what Jeb Blount, Sales Acceleration Specialist, has to say about topics like why emotional intelligence matters in sales, how to align your selling process with your buying process, and much more.
In this episode, listen to a small tale about how small decisions lead to devastatingly different outcomes and how tech might help us avoid this.
Listen in to hear Emilie Wapnick, writer, career coach, blogger, and community leader, talk about topics like why we do our best and most rapid learning when we first dive into something new, how to handle multiple topics at once, and other similar topics.
Listen in to this podcast to hear how to identify synergies to accelerate growth.
In this episode, hear what Jon Acruff, the author of "Do Over: Make Today the First Day of Your Career", has to say about his own personal do-over, why its important to have a do-over advocate, and other similar topics.
Listen in to this Fast Fix Friday that delves into the 10 ways to get buy in from executives for corporate innovation initiatives and projects.
In this podcast, we welcome back Evangelos Simoudis, a recognized big data expert and corporation innovation, to cover topics such as drivers of automotive disruption, the impact of urbanisation on vehicle ownership and use, implications for auto insurers, and other similar subjects.
In this podcast, listen in to learn about the importance of educating your investors or ensuring that they are already educated.
In this podcast, listen to Mike Michalowicz talk about topics surrounding why raising fundraising isn't indicative of startup success, putting profit first in an enterprise, and other lessons he learned while building 2 multi-million dollar businesses and losing the lot.
Listen in to hear what Steve has to say about why Design Thiking is never enough.
In this podcast, listen in to hear about what Jacob Morgan, best-selling author, speaker, and futurist has to say on topics surrounding how to balance freedom with organisational control, the negative impact of short-termism, and why expensive employee engagement programs fail.
In this episode, we cover 15 attributes of the corporate innovator and intrapreneur.
Listen in to hear about day 5 of the book promo along with some final thoughts on 10x mindsets.
Listen in to hear what Carrie Green, founder of the Female Entrepreneur Association has to say on how she got into business, what it's like starting business at a 20, and other topics surrounding female entrepreneurs and the power of visualisation.
Tune in to hear how day 4 of the book promo is going.
Tune in to hear how day 3 of our 5 day book promo is going, including a special offer!
In this episode of Fast Fix Friday, listen to Steve Discuss how an organisation's environment can be the difference between incremental thinking and breakthrough thinking and draw parallels between this and proliferation of soft, electronic artists in the inner city.
Tune into this episode to see how day 2 of our 5 day book promotion is going.
Tune into this episode to hear about our first day of our book promotion!
In this episode, hear what Tyler Cowen, American economist, academic, and writer, has to say about topics like the educational system, how technology is making us lazier, and much more.
Listen in to see what Lawrence Levy, former CFO of Pixar Animations Studio had to say about his role in turning the sleepy graphic arts studio into one of Hollywood's greatest success stories.
Listen in to see what Lawrence Levy, former CFO of PIxar Animation Studios has to say on topics surrounding creating the condiitons to support innovation, building a buffer for creative mistakes, aligning vision with with investor and stakeholder expectations, and much more.
In this episode of Fast Fix Friday, learn about what you can do if you find yourself against a brick wall whenever you've got an idea to share.
Listen in to hear what Peter Diamindis, international pioneer of innovation, incentive competitions and commercial space has to say about topics like the impact of exponential technology growth, the evolution of healthcare, the automation of many medical professions, and much more.
In this episode, learn about prototyping and how long internal teams should have to build and test an idea.
Listen to hear what Erik Wahl, internationally known graffiiti artist, author, and philanthropist has to say about topics like the beauty of long haul flights, art and expanded consciousness, mediation and fitness, and much more.
In this episode of Fast Fix Friday, hear from legendary music producer, Rick Rubin and how the music industry can teach a lot about corporate innovation.
Tune in to hear the Wharton dropout, Omar Zenhom, who created The $100 MBA talk about how to dig yourself out of rough patches, the importance of having a supportive partner, whether immigrants and their children make good entrepreneurs, and much more.
In this episode of Fast Fix Friday, we delve into the importance of feedback and why you should be getting it often.
Listen to Mark Waldman, neuroscience researcher and creator of NeuroWisdom 101 talk about maintaining mindfulness throughout your whole day, brain training strategies, the power of daydreaming, and much more.
In this episode, listen to Steve talk about what's currently broken when it comes to Government startup engagement and some key things that could be done to facilitate innovation instead of simply regulating it.
Listen to part 2 of our talk with Tim Harford, economist, journalist, and broadcaster, as we cover topics like the 50 things that made the modern economy, clean desk policies, and other similar subjects.
In this podcast, learn how to re-write your self limiting beliefs with new ones in order to live a more fulfiling and rewarding life.
Listen to Alec Ross, one of America's leading experts in innovation, talk about the industries of the future, exclusive globalisation, universal basic income, and many more similar topics.
Tune in to hear Steve talk about our innate fear of rejection, and why we should make friends with no.
In this episode, listen to Jamie Wheal, the Executive Director of Flow Genome Project, talk about what flow is, spiritual materialism, why brainstorming and all-nighters don't really work, and many more topics.
In this episode of Fast Fix Friday, Steve talks about the important distinction between a means to an end and an end in itself and the importance for such a distinction.
Tune in to hear what Parag Khanna, CNN Global Contributor and Managing Partner of Hybrid Realty has to say about technocratic systems, the evolving role of the government, artificial intelligence, and an abundance of related topics.
In this episode of Fast Fix Friday, Steve talks about how you can optimise your Return on Failure and how in this rapidly changing business environment, it's important to be able to take risks and learn from failure.
Listen to Tim Harford, best-selling author of The Undercover Economist and board member of the editorial board for the FInancial Times talk about topics surrounding the connection between messiness and creativity, our self reinforcing social media bubbles, and other similar subjects.
In a world where innovating has become the new norm, regulations, corporate legal and compliance teams are a common obstacles for new businesses. Tune in to see how organizations work around experiementing while being constantly watched over.
Listen to your host, Steve Glaveski himself be interviewed as he talks about topics like the biggest misconception about enterprise innovation, and which corporate companies are leading in innovation.
On this episode of Fast Fix Friday, listen to Steve talk about a topic inspired by the co-founder of Reddit, Aaron Swartz; the importance of sharing information.
On this episode of Fast Fix Friday, we're joined by a special guest; 11 year old entrepreneur Alex Henderson, who spoke about his experience with Collective Campus' Lemonade Stand Program.
In this episode, Steve talks about blockers and enablers and addressing these issues for any goals you want to set for yourself.
In this episode, your host, Steve Glaveski, take the role as interviewee as CEO of Akagu, Jimmy Zhong, asks him questions on how to prepare for the new year and maintain your mojo throughout.
In this episode, we are joined by Paul Smith, one of the world's leading experts on organizational storytelling, as we cover topics like how to sell with a story, how to overcome strong objections, and how to end your story with a surprise.
Thank you all for such a great year! Here, we'll be going through the accomplishments we've had and the milestones we've conquered.
In this episode, Steve interviews Brent Lehmann, GM at Willis Towers Watson, Adrian Wrathall, Motor Product Manager and CGU Insurance, and Rob Aktanarowicz, National Underwriter for Commercial and Heavy Motor at CGU Insurance to talk about topics like the moral dilemma with self driving cars.
On this podcast, we're joined by Kevin Mulcahy, a highly popular speaker on workplace trends, executive coach to senior executives, and curator of insights and shifts in the workplace and workforce for a handful of large corporations to talk about topics like what the future workplace looks like, attitude versus skill, and how to increase employee engagement.
In this episode of Fast Fix Friday, Steve talks all about the power of 10x vision and the 11 things you might want to think about.
During a holiday party here, at Collective Campus, Steve asks his guests about what future technology excites them.
In this episode, we are joined by Susan David, PhD, a psychologist on faculty at Harvard Medical School, co-founder and co-director of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital to talk about topics surrounding facing complexity and ambiguity, creating value through habits, and the power of labeling.
In this episode, Steve talks about why he does what he does with Collective Campus and the impact that is made through programs offered such as the Lemonade Stand Program.
In this episode, we're joined by Marc Levinson, an economist and a historian specializing in business and finance to chat about topics like the innovation and productivity paradox, technology adaptation lags, and the inverse relationship between productivity and employment.
In this episode, Steve talks about the ingenuity of the North Vietnamese and the number one characteristic that separates successful entrepreneurs and innovators from the pack.
In this episode, we're joined by Ryan Blair, a serial entrepreneur and self- made milllionare who comes in to talk about his own journey, seeing obstacles as opportunities, focusing on when to say no, and many other relevant topics.
On this episode of Fast Fix Friday, Steve tackles the question of "Why do developing countries like Vietnam command ubiquitous wireless internet access while countries like Australia don't?"
We're joined by Logan Merrick, co-founder and strategic director of Buzinga App Development to talk about topics surrounding technology trends, healthtech and apps, and the future of apps.
On today's episode of Fast Fix Friday, Steve talks about staying humble as something that is critical to work towards maintaining if you want to achieve success in business and in life.
We're joined by Justin Lokitz, an experienced strategy consultant and business designer who is responsible for the Business Models Inc. offices to talk about topics such as ideation tools, the challenges of getting companies to become innovative, looking longterm and scaling, and many more.
On this episode of Fast Fix Friday, Steve talks about some of the medical technologies and advances that are poised to extend the healthy human lifespan as well as the implications that a considerably longer lifespan would have on different aspects of our world.
We're joined by Summer Howarth, National Director of Learning for Education Changemakers, to talk about topics such as bottom up innovation in schools, finding and empowering great teachers, teaching kids entrepreneurship, and many other relevant topics.
On this episode of Fast Fix Friday, Steve delves into the topic of the shift resulting from the way that legal services are delivered.
Listen in to hear Jenny Blake, who helps leaders, employees, and entrepreneurs achieve greater clarity, and engagement. She talks about topics such as PIVOT coaching, passion versus purpose, barriers to entry in working for yourself, and various other similar topics.
In this episode, Steve gets personal about making decisions in life and why it's so important to follow your gut.
On this episode, we are joined by Eric Almquist, a partner in Bain & Company's Boston Office to talk about topics like customer jobs to be done, delivering on elements of value, customers' expectations, and much more.
On this episode of Fast Fix Friday, Steve delves into the topic of potential outcome that originates from large organizations taking old and broken processes and digitalizing them.
We're joined by our very own Shay Namdarian, expert on all things customer experience, to talk about topics such as customer experience trends, making the jump from corporate to startup, and other similar topics.
We're joined by Karen Dillon, co-author of Clayton Christensen's new book, Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovating and Customer Choice, to talk about topics surrounding customer journey mapping, prioritising jobs to be done, what is a 'job to be done', and much more.
This episode focuses on the concept of pivoting in career direction.
Gary A. Bolles is the co-founder of eParachute, Inc., a San Francisco Bay Area-based startup focused on helping job-hunters & career changers, inspired by the best-selling career book of all time, “What Color Is Your Parachute?”
In an age where the time between disruptions is getting shorter and the exponential growth of technology threatens the upheaval of almost every industry, certainty is fast becoming a distant memory.
After my recent appearance on the Razor Sharp Show with Ray Milidoni, I was invited back for a deep dive interview with Matt Romania, to talk all about a topic of personal disruption
Here's a summary of neuroendocrinologist Robert Sapolsky’s 2017 book, Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst, which has been the best book I’ve read this year by far. I distilled the 680 page book into 40 Google Doc pages of notes and now aim to further distill some of the key points into this blog post for your consumption.
Ben Greenfield is a biohacker, human body and brain performance coach, ex-bodybuilder, Ironman triathlete, professional Spartan athlete, anti-aging consultant, speaker and author of the New York Times Bestseller “Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health and Life”.
James Nguyen is the co-founder and managing partner of Anti-Hero Capital, the first investment fund exclusively dedicated to investing in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies using evolutionary science.
Dr. Sherry Walling is the life force behind ZenFounder. She is a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive experience treating stress-related problems in high achieving people.
My Smartphone Addiction and How I Overcame It
Alex Hutchinson is National Magazine Award-winning journalist who writes about the science of endurance for Runner’s World and Outside, and frequently contributes to other publications such as the New York Times and the New Yorker.
As more large companies begin to embark upon audacious transformation plans and set up innovation teams, more corporate professionals are being introduced to a world in which terms like design thinking, lean, agile, pivot, experiment, fail, adapt and so on are used almost interchangeably.
Brad Stulberg writes about health and the science of human performance.
Listen to Mark Waldman, neuroscience researcher and creator of NeuroWisdom 101 talk about maintaining mindfulness throughout your whole day, brain training strategies, the power of daydreaming, and much more.
My guest today is Alex Roslaniec, hes a co-founder of fast-growing skincare company, Hey Bud.Hey Bud was founded just 4.5 years ago, and is today available in 130 countries, boasts 200,000 customers, and is stocked in 400 Priceline stores across Australia.
Julia Krieger is the managing partner of Pari Passu Venture Partners, a network of founders supporting founders. She has been both an operator and a venture investor and so has unique perspectives on all things startups and VCs.
My guest today is Chris Saad, he’s a seasoned product and startup builder, co-host of The Startup Podcast, and former Head of Product at Uber's Developer Platform.
In this episode, I sit down with international touring comedian Joe Avati, known for his hilarious takes on Italian-Australian life and its cultural quirks.
Check out my conversation with author Allan Dib on the Future Squared podcast, and level up your marketing!
I was thrilled to welcome back Scott H. Young, a renowned writer, programmer, and avid learner. Scott is here to discuss his latest book, "Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery."
Today's guest is the remarkable Taryn Williams, a veteran entrepreneur who founded Wink Models, The Right Fit (exited), The Influencer Agency (exited), and the innovative gifting service, #Gifted.
Michael Thomsen is a freelancer writer, author, and UFC tragic from New York. He is the author of Cage Kings: How an Unlikely Group of Moguls, Champions & Hustlers Transformed the UFC into a $10 Billion Industry, which unpacks the rapid rise of the UFC an mixed martial arts, the UFC’s business model and economics, the one man tour de force that is longtime UFC president Dana White, the role of the UFC’s owners over time - SEG, Zuffa and Ari Emanuel, and the organization’s anti-competitive behaviors and adversarial relationship with its fighters, which aren’t employees, but independent contractors - most of whom would earn more working a run of the mill admin job in the public sector.
Niki Scevak is co-founder of Startmate, and founder and partner at Blackbird VC, Australia’s largest venture capital fund, with its 5th fund having raised AUD$1B (US$640M). Blackbird was an early investor in Canva, SafetyCulture, CultureAmp, BugCrowd, RedBubble, and many more, and has to date generated a net internal rate of return of 56%.
Oliver Burkeman is a British author and journalist who has written for The Guardian and other publications. He was born in 1975 and has authored several books on topics such as time management, productivity, happiness, and self-help culture.
Mick Wall has spent over four decades interviewing rockstars and chronicling their amazing stories, and today, we're turning the tables on Mick Wall and unpacking his story in this marathon 3-hour and 40-minute, Joe Rogan-esque interview.
Dennis Savic is a pioneering entrepreneur and innovative thinker in the fields of electric vehicles and sustainable transportation.
Torsten Hoffmann is a media entrepreneur, filmmaker, and technology investor. He has produced and directed several documentaries, including "Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It" and the award-winning "Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet" Torsten joins me today to talk about his forthcoming feature documentary, FORTITUDE: Forging the Trillion Dollar Space Economy, which uncovers how a few influential individuals with utopian ideas and vast fortunes are forging a trillion-dollar off-world industry, while inspiring millions of us back on Earth.
Kevin Kelly is a renowned technology writer, futurist, and entrepreneur who co-founded Wired magazine in 1993. He has authored several books on the impact of technology on society, including "The Inevitable" and "What Technology Wants." He is also a sought-after speaker and advisor on emerging technologies and their social and economic implications. His new book, Excellent Advice for Living: WIsdom I Wish I’d Known Earlier, distils Kelly’s timeless advice on everything from right living to setting ambitious goals, optimizing generosity, and cultivating compassion.
My guest today is Mike Todasco, former director of innovation at PayPal, and current self-imposed AI-researcher, and co-author of numerous AI-generated books under the pseudonym Alex Irons.
My guest today is Daniel Cannizzaro, founder of fintech company Parpera. I invited Dan back on to discuss the difficult landscape that startups find themselves in, and how Parpera has been navigating both macroeconomic challenges, and some very unique technical setbacks.
Gloria Mark is a Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. She’s been a visiting senior researcher at Microsoft Research since 2012 and is a recipient of the Google Research Award and the NSF Career award. She’s the author of the new book, Attention Span: Finding Focus for a Fulfilling Life, which unpacks how our brains operate in the digital world, why we can’t focus, and how we can take back control to find more success in our careers but also more health and wellness in our lives.
Theo Cox is Head of Life Itself Labs, a multidisciplinary research institute and consultancy that works across economics, governance, strategy and technology, and innovates systemic solutions to complex global challenges.
Josh Szeps is an Australian media personality, political satirist, and television presenter. He hosts Afternoon with Josh Szeps on ABC Radio, he hosts the incredibly popular podcast, Uncomfortable Conversations, and he has appeared on numerous high profile outlets over the years, including over a dozen appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience.
My guest today is Bill Ottman, he’s the co-creator and CEO of Minds - an alternative social media platform based on the blockchain that actively rewards users for their contributions, supports freedom of expression, and unlike many competing platforms, is not incentivized to polarize people for the sake of driving higher engagement.
My guest today is Sebastien Borget, co-founder and COO of The Sandbox, one of the world’s biggest and most popular metaverse platforms, with over 2 million wallets connected, and a token with a fully diluted market cap of over US$10 billion. The Sandbox is home to brands and icons such as Snoop Dogg, Adidas, Atari, Steve Aoki, The Walking Dead, and more.
Ben Fairbank is the CEO and Founder of RFOX, a web3 platform on a mission to empower everyone to play, create and earn in an immersive metaverse without borders.
Crews Enochs is a core contributor to the product growth community & institutional working groups at Index Coop, a new-age web3 crypto index fund DAO aiming to become the Blackrock of crypto.
Jin Kang is deal lead at Global Coin Research, an investment DAO that has poured over US$30M into over 40 deals since just last year, generating an astounding 30X+ return in the process.
Monty Preston is the Manager of Art Advisory & Curation at Saatchi Art. Prior to joining Saatchi Art in 2018, she worked at female-led, industry-disrupting startups including Beauty Pie in London, where she managed content and creative, and The RealReal in San Francisco, where she specialized in luxury estate management with a focus on designer apparel and fine art.
In this episode, I interview the co-hosts of the popular podcast What You Will Learn, and now co-authors of The Sh*t They Never Taught You, Adam Jones and Adam Ashton, for a conversation on all things books and life.
Andrew Bogut is one of Australia’s most decorated basketball exports. He was the first overall pick in the 2005 NBA draft, won an NBA championship in 2015 with the Golden State Warriors, and spent 15 years honing his craft in the States, making about US$120M in career earnings.
Paul Fenech is an Australian filmmaker, film and television actor, director, producer, and writer. He is best known for writing, directing, producing, and starring in the television series Pizza, Swift and Shift Couriers, Housos and Bogan Hunters, and the motion picture Fat Pizza.
Sometimes you just have to stand up for your values.
What’s the number one thing holding your productivity back? ……You. It turns out that people switch screens once every 40 seconds in a typical workday. But when we switch screens, we suffer a cognitive switching penalty.
The central idea behind the right to disconnect is that employees don’t have to take calls or read emails after work hours.
Amy Chan is the Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to heal the heart.
In this episode, I explore the role that community was one of the four factors he identified (the others were attitude, nutrition, and movement), and it turns out that there is more to this than just anecdotal observations and theory, but it is grounded in science.
In this episode, I explore the role that working from home is great unless you find yourself sedentary all day.
In this episode, I explore the role that nutrition plays in sustaining our focus for longer while we work.
In this episode, I explore the role that sleep plays in regulating our focus and attention, decision-making, emotions, problem solving, and creativity.
In this video, I explore the role that Values Alignment plays when it comes to performance at work and job satisfaction, and what you can do to define your values and use them in your decision making.
In this video, I explore the role that STRENGTHS-ALIGNMENT plays in getting the best out of yourself every single day.
In this video, I explore the role that PASSION plays when it comes to our performance at work, and how there are TWO types of passion - one that leads to positive outcomes and emotional wellbeing, and one that leads to the VERY OPPOSITE.
In this video, I explore one of the four foundations of high performance, productivity, and effectiveness at work - extrinsic and intrinsic incentives.
In this video, I explore the role that PURPOSE plays when it comes to our performance at work.
Welcome to the WorkFlow podcast.
Martin Lindstrom is the founder and chairman of Lindstrom Company, a global branding & culture transformation firm, operating across five continents and more than 30 countries.
Brad Feld is an American entrepreneur, author, blogger, and venture capitalist at Foundry Group in Boulder, Colorado.
In this episode of Future Squared, workologist and author of Shapers, Jonas Altman, joins Steve Glaveski to talk the future of work.
From humble beginnings with a small supplement retail store in Randwick, Izhar Basha has gone on to create and head internationally recognised and celebrated Australian supplements brand, EHPlabs.
David Prior is a lifelong entrepreneur. He founded Baroda Packaging, which was acquired in 2007, before turning his eye to yoghurt, with Five:AM Organics, which after just three years in the market was acquired for $80 million.
Gad Saad is a Lebanese-Canadian evolutionary psychologist at the John Molson School of Business who applies evolutionary psychology to marketing and consumer behaviour.
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Author
In this episode of Future Squared, founder of Aussie fintech Parpera, shares his journey from Melbourne's northwestern suburbs to EY and London Business School, before founding up and coming fintech, Parpera.
My guest today is Alex Roslaniec, hes a co-founder of fast-growing skincare company, Hey Bud.Hey Bud was founded just 4.5 years ago, and is today available in 130 countries, boasts 200,000 customers, and is stocked in 400 Priceline stores across Australia.
Julia Krieger is the managing partner of Pari Passu Venture Partners, a network of founders supporting founders. She has been both an operator and a venture investor and so has unique perspectives on all things startups and VCs.
My guest today is Chris Saad, he’s a seasoned product and startup builder, co-host of The Startup Podcast, and former Head of Product at Uber's Developer Platform.
In this episode, I sit down with international touring comedian Joe Avati, known for his hilarious takes on Italian-Australian life and its cultural quirks.
Check out my conversation with author Allan Dib on the Future Squared podcast, and level up your marketing!
I was thrilled to welcome back Scott H. Young, a renowned writer, programmer, and avid learner. Scott is here to discuss his latest book, "Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery."
Today's guest is the remarkable Taryn Williams, a veteran entrepreneur who founded Wink Models, The Right Fit (exited), The Influencer Agency (exited), and the innovative gifting service, #Gifted.
Michael Thomsen is a freelancer writer, author, and UFC tragic from New York. He is the author of Cage Kings: How an Unlikely Group of Moguls, Champions & Hustlers Transformed the UFC into a $10 Billion Industry, which unpacks the rapid rise of the UFC an mixed martial arts, the UFC’s business model and economics, the one man tour de force that is longtime UFC president Dana White, the role of the UFC’s owners over time - SEG, Zuffa and Ari Emanuel, and the organization’s anti-competitive behaviors and adversarial relationship with its fighters, which aren’t employees, but independent contractors - most of whom would earn more working a run of the mill admin job in the public sector.
Niki Scevak is co-founder of Startmate, and founder and partner at Blackbird VC, Australia’s largest venture capital fund, with its 5th fund having raised AUD$1B (US$640M). Blackbird was an early investor in Canva, SafetyCulture, CultureAmp, BugCrowd, RedBubble, and many more, and has to date generated a net internal rate of return of 56%.
Oliver Burkeman is a British author and journalist who has written for The Guardian and other publications. He was born in 1975 and has authored several books on topics such as time management, productivity, happiness, and self-help culture.
Mick Wall has spent over four decades interviewing rockstars and chronicling their amazing stories, and today, we're turning the tables on Mick Wall and unpacking his story in this marathon 3-hour and 40-minute, Joe Rogan-esque interview.
Dennis Savic is a pioneering entrepreneur and innovative thinker in the fields of electric vehicles and sustainable transportation.
Torsten Hoffmann is a media entrepreneur, filmmaker, and technology investor. He has produced and directed several documentaries, including "Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It" and the award-winning "Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet" Torsten joins me today to talk about his forthcoming feature documentary, FORTITUDE: Forging the Trillion Dollar Space Economy, which uncovers how a few influential individuals with utopian ideas and vast fortunes are forging a trillion-dollar off-world industry, while inspiring millions of us back on Earth.
Kevin Kelly is a renowned technology writer, futurist, and entrepreneur who co-founded Wired magazine in 1993. He has authored several books on the impact of technology on society, including "The Inevitable" and "What Technology Wants." He is also a sought-after speaker and advisor on emerging technologies and their social and economic implications. His new book, Excellent Advice for Living: WIsdom I Wish I’d Known Earlier, distils Kelly’s timeless advice on everything from right living to setting ambitious goals, optimizing generosity, and cultivating compassion.
My guest today is Mike Todasco, former director of innovation at PayPal, and current self-imposed AI-researcher, and co-author of numerous AI-generated books under the pseudonym Alex Irons.
My guest today is Daniel Cannizzaro, founder of fintech company Parpera. I invited Dan back on to discuss the difficult landscape that startups find themselves in, and how Parpera has been navigating both macroeconomic challenges, and some very unique technical setbacks.
Gloria Mark is a Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. She’s been a visiting senior researcher at Microsoft Research since 2012 and is a recipient of the Google Research Award and the NSF Career award. She’s the author of the new book, Attention Span: Finding Focus for a Fulfilling Life, which unpacks how our brains operate in the digital world, why we can’t focus, and how we can take back control to find more success in our careers but also more health and wellness in our lives.
Theo Cox is Head of Life Itself Labs, a multidisciplinary research institute and consultancy that works across economics, governance, strategy and technology, and innovates systemic solutions to complex global challenges.
Josh Szeps is an Australian media personality, political satirist, and television presenter. He hosts Afternoon with Josh Szeps on ABC Radio, he hosts the incredibly popular podcast, Uncomfortable Conversations, and he has appeared on numerous high profile outlets over the years, including over a dozen appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience.
My guest today is Bill Ottman, he’s the co-creator and CEO of Minds - an alternative social media platform based on the blockchain that actively rewards users for their contributions, supports freedom of expression, and unlike many competing platforms, is not incentivized to polarize people for the sake of driving higher engagement.
My guest today is Sebastien Borget, co-founder and COO of The Sandbox, one of the world’s biggest and most popular metaverse platforms, with over 2 million wallets connected, and a token with a fully diluted market cap of over US$10 billion. The Sandbox is home to brands and icons such as Snoop Dogg, Adidas, Atari, Steve Aoki, The Walking Dead, and more.
Ben Fairbank is the CEO and Founder of RFOX, a web3 platform on a mission to empower everyone to play, create and earn in an immersive metaverse without borders.
Crews Enochs is a core contributor to the product growth community & institutional working groups at Index Coop, a new-age web3 crypto index fund DAO aiming to become the Blackrock of crypto.
Jin Kang is deal lead at Global Coin Research, an investment DAO that has poured over US$30M into over 40 deals since just last year, generating an astounding 30X+ return in the process.
Monty Preston is the Manager of Art Advisory & Curation at Saatchi Art. Prior to joining Saatchi Art in 2018, she worked at female-led, industry-disrupting startups including Beauty Pie in London, where she managed content and creative, and The RealReal in San Francisco, where she specialized in luxury estate management with a focus on designer apparel and fine art.
In this episode, I interview the co-hosts of the popular podcast What You Will Learn, and now co-authors of The Sh*t They Never Taught You, Adam Jones and Adam Ashton, for a conversation on all things books and life.
Andrew Bogut is one of Australia’s most decorated basketball exports. He was the first overall pick in the 2005 NBA draft, won an NBA championship in 2015 with the Golden State Warriors, and spent 15 years honing his craft in the States, making about US$120M in career earnings.
Paul Fenech is an Australian filmmaker, film and television actor, director, producer, and writer. He is best known for writing, directing, producing, and starring in the television series Pizza, Swift and Shift Couriers, Housos and Bogan Hunters, and the motion picture Fat Pizza.
Sometimes you just have to stand up for your values.
What’s the number one thing holding your productivity back? ……You. It turns out that people switch screens once every 40 seconds in a typical workday. But when we switch screens, we suffer a cognitive switching penalty.
The central idea behind the right to disconnect is that employees don’t have to take calls or read emails after work hours.
Amy Chan is the Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to heal the heart.
In this episode, I explore the role that community was one of the four factors he identified (the others were attitude, nutrition, and movement), and it turns out that there is more to this than just anecdotal observations and theory, but it is grounded in science.
In this episode, I explore the role that working from home is great unless you find yourself sedentary all day.
In this episode, I explore the role that nutrition plays in sustaining our focus for longer while we work.
In this episode, I explore the role that sleep plays in regulating our focus and attention, decision-making, emotions, problem solving, and creativity.
In this video, I explore the role that Values Alignment plays when it comes to performance at work and job satisfaction, and what you can do to define your values and use them in your decision making.
In this video, I explore the role that STRENGTHS-ALIGNMENT plays in getting the best out of yourself every single day.
In this video, I explore the role that PASSION plays when it comes to our performance at work, and how there are TWO types of passion - one that leads to positive outcomes and emotional wellbeing, and one that leads to the VERY OPPOSITE.
In this video, I explore one of the four foundations of high performance, productivity, and effectiveness at work - extrinsic and intrinsic incentives.
In this video, I explore the role that PURPOSE plays when it comes to our performance at work.
Welcome to the WorkFlow podcast.
Martin Lindstrom is the founder and chairman of Lindstrom Company, a global branding & culture transformation firm, operating across five continents and more than 30 countries.
Brad Feld is an American entrepreneur, author, blogger, and venture capitalist at Foundry Group in Boulder, Colorado.
In this episode of Future Squared, workologist and author of Shapers, Jonas Altman, joins Steve Glaveski to talk the future of work.
From humble beginnings with a small supplement retail store in Randwick, Izhar Basha has gone on to create and head internationally recognised and celebrated Australian supplements brand, EHPlabs.
David Prior is a lifelong entrepreneur. He founded Baroda Packaging, which was acquired in 2007, before turning his eye to yoghurt, with Five:AM Organics, which after just three years in the market was acquired for $80 million.
Gad Saad is a Lebanese-Canadian evolutionary psychologist at the John Molson School of Business who applies evolutionary psychology to marketing and consumer behaviour.
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Author
In this episode of Future Squared, founder of Aussie fintech Parpera, shares his journey from Melbourne's northwestern suburbs to EY and London Business School, before founding up and coming fintech, Parpera.
My guest today is Alex Roslaniec, hes a co-founder of fast-growing skincare company, Hey Bud.Hey Bud was founded just 4.5 years ago, and is today available in 130 countries, boasts 200,000 customers, and is stocked in 400 Priceline stores across Australia.
Julia Krieger is the managing partner of Pari Passu Venture Partners, a network of founders supporting founders. She has been both an operator and a venture investor and so has unique perspectives on all things startups and VCs.
My guest today is Chris Saad, he’s a seasoned product and startup builder, co-host of The Startup Podcast, and former Head of Product at Uber's Developer Platform.
In this episode, I sit down with international touring comedian Joe Avati, known for his hilarious takes on Italian-Australian life and its cultural quirks.
Check out my conversation with author Allan Dib on the Future Squared podcast, and level up your marketing!
I was thrilled to welcome back Scott H. Young, a renowned writer, programmer, and avid learner. Scott is here to discuss his latest book, "Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery."
Today's guest is the remarkable Taryn Williams, a veteran entrepreneur who founded Wink Models, The Right Fit (exited), The Influencer Agency (exited), and the innovative gifting service, #Gifted.
Michael Thomsen is a freelancer writer, author, and UFC tragic from New York. He is the author of Cage Kings: How an Unlikely Group of Moguls, Champions & Hustlers Transformed the UFC into a $10 Billion Industry, which unpacks the rapid rise of the UFC an mixed martial arts, the UFC’s business model and economics, the one man tour de force that is longtime UFC president Dana White, the role of the UFC’s owners over time - SEG, Zuffa and Ari Emanuel, and the organization’s anti-competitive behaviors and adversarial relationship with its fighters, which aren’t employees, but independent contractors - most of whom would earn more working a run of the mill admin job in the public sector.
Niki Scevak is co-founder of Startmate, and founder and partner at Blackbird VC, Australia’s largest venture capital fund, with its 5th fund having raised AUD$1B (US$640M). Blackbird was an early investor in Canva, SafetyCulture, CultureAmp, BugCrowd, RedBubble, and many more, and has to date generated a net internal rate of return of 56%.
Oliver Burkeman is a British author and journalist who has written for The Guardian and other publications. He was born in 1975 and has authored several books on topics such as time management, productivity, happiness, and self-help culture.
Mick Wall has spent over four decades interviewing rockstars and chronicling their amazing stories, and today, we're turning the tables on Mick Wall and unpacking his story in this marathon 3-hour and 40-minute, Joe Rogan-esque interview.
Dennis Savic is a pioneering entrepreneur and innovative thinker in the fields of electric vehicles and sustainable transportation.
Torsten Hoffmann is a media entrepreneur, filmmaker, and technology investor. He has produced and directed several documentaries, including "Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It" and the award-winning "Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet" Torsten joins me today to talk about his forthcoming feature documentary, FORTITUDE: Forging the Trillion Dollar Space Economy, which uncovers how a few influential individuals with utopian ideas and vast fortunes are forging a trillion-dollar off-world industry, while inspiring millions of us back on Earth.
Kevin Kelly is a renowned technology writer, futurist, and entrepreneur who co-founded Wired magazine in 1993. He has authored several books on the impact of technology on society, including "The Inevitable" and "What Technology Wants." He is also a sought-after speaker and advisor on emerging technologies and their social and economic implications. His new book, Excellent Advice for Living: WIsdom I Wish I’d Known Earlier, distils Kelly’s timeless advice on everything from right living to setting ambitious goals, optimizing generosity, and cultivating compassion.
My guest today is Mike Todasco, former director of innovation at PayPal, and current self-imposed AI-researcher, and co-author of numerous AI-generated books under the pseudonym Alex Irons.
My guest today is Daniel Cannizzaro, founder of fintech company Parpera. I invited Dan back on to discuss the difficult landscape that startups find themselves in, and how Parpera has been navigating both macroeconomic challenges, and some very unique technical setbacks.
Gloria Mark is a Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. She’s been a visiting senior researcher at Microsoft Research since 2012 and is a recipient of the Google Research Award and the NSF Career award. She’s the author of the new book, Attention Span: Finding Focus for a Fulfilling Life, which unpacks how our brains operate in the digital world, why we can’t focus, and how we can take back control to find more success in our careers but also more health and wellness in our lives.
Theo Cox is Head of Life Itself Labs, a multidisciplinary research institute and consultancy that works across economics, governance, strategy and technology, and innovates systemic solutions to complex global challenges.
Josh Szeps is an Australian media personality, political satirist, and television presenter. He hosts Afternoon with Josh Szeps on ABC Radio, he hosts the incredibly popular podcast, Uncomfortable Conversations, and he has appeared on numerous high profile outlets over the years, including over a dozen appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience.
My guest today is Bill Ottman, he’s the co-creator and CEO of Minds - an alternative social media platform based on the blockchain that actively rewards users for their contributions, supports freedom of expression, and unlike many competing platforms, is not incentivized to polarize people for the sake of driving higher engagement.
My guest today is Sebastien Borget, co-founder and COO of The Sandbox, one of the world’s biggest and most popular metaverse platforms, with over 2 million wallets connected, and a token with a fully diluted market cap of over US$10 billion. The Sandbox is home to brands and icons such as Snoop Dogg, Adidas, Atari, Steve Aoki, The Walking Dead, and more.
Ben Fairbank is the CEO and Founder of RFOX, a web3 platform on a mission to empower everyone to play, create and earn in an immersive metaverse without borders.
Crews Enochs is a core contributor to the product growth community & institutional working groups at Index Coop, a new-age web3 crypto index fund DAO aiming to become the Blackrock of crypto.
Jin Kang is deal lead at Global Coin Research, an investment DAO that has poured over US$30M into over 40 deals since just last year, generating an astounding 30X+ return in the process.
Monty Preston is the Manager of Art Advisory & Curation at Saatchi Art. Prior to joining Saatchi Art in 2018, she worked at female-led, industry-disrupting startups including Beauty Pie in London, where she managed content and creative, and The RealReal in San Francisco, where she specialized in luxury estate management with a focus on designer apparel and fine art.
In this episode, I interview the co-hosts of the popular podcast What You Will Learn, and now co-authors of The Sh*t They Never Taught You, Adam Jones and Adam Ashton, for a conversation on all things books and life.
Andrew Bogut is one of Australia’s most decorated basketball exports. He was the first overall pick in the 2005 NBA draft, won an NBA championship in 2015 with the Golden State Warriors, and spent 15 years honing his craft in the States, making about US$120M in career earnings.
Paul Fenech is an Australian filmmaker, film and television actor, director, producer, and writer. He is best known for writing, directing, producing, and starring in the television series Pizza, Swift and Shift Couriers, Housos and Bogan Hunters, and the motion picture Fat Pizza.
Sometimes you just have to stand up for your values.
What’s the number one thing holding your productivity back? ……You. It turns out that people switch screens once every 40 seconds in a typical workday. But when we switch screens, we suffer a cognitive switching penalty.
The central idea behind the right to disconnect is that employees don’t have to take calls or read emails after work hours.
Amy Chan is the Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to heal the heart.
In this episode, I explore the role that community was one of the four factors he identified (the others were attitude, nutrition, and movement), and it turns out that there is more to this than just anecdotal observations and theory, but it is grounded in science.
In this episode, I explore the role that working from home is great unless you find yourself sedentary all day.
In this episode, I explore the role that nutrition plays in sustaining our focus for longer while we work.
In this episode, I explore the role that sleep plays in regulating our focus and attention, decision-making, emotions, problem solving, and creativity.
In this video, I explore the role that Values Alignment plays when it comes to performance at work and job satisfaction, and what you can do to define your values and use them in your decision making.
In this video, I explore the role that STRENGTHS-ALIGNMENT plays in getting the best out of yourself every single day.
In this video, I explore the role that PASSION plays when it comes to our performance at work, and how there are TWO types of passion - one that leads to positive outcomes and emotional wellbeing, and one that leads to the VERY OPPOSITE.
In this video, I explore one of the four foundations of high performance, productivity, and effectiveness at work - extrinsic and intrinsic incentives.
In this video, I explore the role that PURPOSE plays when it comes to our performance at work.
Welcome to the WorkFlow podcast.
Martin Lindstrom is the founder and chairman of Lindstrom Company, a global branding & culture transformation firm, operating across five continents and more than 30 countries.
Brad Feld is an American entrepreneur, author, blogger, and venture capitalist at Foundry Group in Boulder, Colorado.
In this episode of Future Squared, workologist and author of Shapers, Jonas Altman, joins Steve Glaveski to talk the future of work.
From humble beginnings with a small supplement retail store in Randwick, Izhar Basha has gone on to create and head internationally recognised and celebrated Australian supplements brand, EHPlabs.
David Prior is a lifelong entrepreneur. He founded Baroda Packaging, which was acquired in 2007, before turning his eye to yoghurt, with Five:AM Organics, which after just three years in the market was acquired for $80 million.
Gad Saad is a Lebanese-Canadian evolutionary psychologist at the John Molson School of Business who applies evolutionary psychology to marketing and consumer behaviour.
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Author
In this episode of Future Squared, founder of Aussie fintech Parpera, shares his journey from Melbourne's northwestern suburbs to EY and London Business School, before founding up and coming fintech, Parpera.
My guest today is Alex Roslaniec, hes a co-founder of fast-growing skincare company, Hey Bud.Hey Bud was founded just 4.5 years ago, and is today available in 130 countries, boasts 200,000 customers, and is stocked in 400 Priceline stores across Australia.
Julia Krieger is the managing partner of Pari Passu Venture Partners, a network of founders supporting founders. She has been both an operator and a venture investor and so has unique perspectives on all things startups and VCs.
My guest today is Chris Saad, he’s a seasoned product and startup builder, co-host of The Startup Podcast, and former Head of Product at Uber's Developer Platform.
In this episode, I sit down with international touring comedian Joe Avati, known for his hilarious takes on Italian-Australian life and its cultural quirks.
Check out my conversation with author Allan Dib on the Future Squared podcast, and level up your marketing!
I was thrilled to welcome back Scott H. Young, a renowned writer, programmer, and avid learner. Scott is here to discuss his latest book, "Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery."
Today's guest is the remarkable Taryn Williams, a veteran entrepreneur who founded Wink Models, The Right Fit (exited), The Influencer Agency (exited), and the innovative gifting service, #Gifted.
Michael Thomsen is a freelancer writer, author, and UFC tragic from New York. He is the author of Cage Kings: How an Unlikely Group of Moguls, Champions & Hustlers Transformed the UFC into a $10 Billion Industry, which unpacks the rapid rise of the UFC an mixed martial arts, the UFC’s business model and economics, the one man tour de force that is longtime UFC president Dana White, the role of the UFC’s owners over time - SEG, Zuffa and Ari Emanuel, and the organization’s anti-competitive behaviors and adversarial relationship with its fighters, which aren’t employees, but independent contractors - most of whom would earn more working a run of the mill admin job in the public sector.
Niki Scevak is co-founder of Startmate, and founder and partner at Blackbird VC, Australia’s largest venture capital fund, with its 5th fund having raised AUD$1B (US$640M). Blackbird was an early investor in Canva, SafetyCulture, CultureAmp, BugCrowd, RedBubble, and many more, and has to date generated a net internal rate of return of 56%.
Oliver Burkeman is a British author and journalist who has written for The Guardian and other publications. He was born in 1975 and has authored several books on topics such as time management, productivity, happiness, and self-help culture.
Mick Wall has spent over four decades interviewing rockstars and chronicling their amazing stories, and today, we're turning the tables on Mick Wall and unpacking his story in this marathon 3-hour and 40-minute, Joe Rogan-esque interview.
Dennis Savic is a pioneering entrepreneur and innovative thinker in the fields of electric vehicles and sustainable transportation.
Torsten Hoffmann is a media entrepreneur, filmmaker, and technology investor. He has produced and directed several documentaries, including "Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It" and the award-winning "Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet" Torsten joins me today to talk about his forthcoming feature documentary, FORTITUDE: Forging the Trillion Dollar Space Economy, which uncovers how a few influential individuals with utopian ideas and vast fortunes are forging a trillion-dollar off-world industry, while inspiring millions of us back on Earth.
Kevin Kelly is a renowned technology writer, futurist, and entrepreneur who co-founded Wired magazine in 1993. He has authored several books on the impact of technology on society, including "The Inevitable" and "What Technology Wants." He is also a sought-after speaker and advisor on emerging technologies and their social and economic implications. His new book, Excellent Advice for Living: WIsdom I Wish I’d Known Earlier, distils Kelly’s timeless advice on everything from right living to setting ambitious goals, optimizing generosity, and cultivating compassion.
My guest today is Mike Todasco, former director of innovation at PayPal, and current self-imposed AI-researcher, and co-author of numerous AI-generated books under the pseudonym Alex Irons.
My guest today is Daniel Cannizzaro, founder of fintech company Parpera. I invited Dan back on to discuss the difficult landscape that startups find themselves in, and how Parpera has been navigating both macroeconomic challenges, and some very unique technical setbacks.
Gloria Mark is a Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. She’s been a visiting senior researcher at Microsoft Research since 2012 and is a recipient of the Google Research Award and the NSF Career award. She’s the author of the new book, Attention Span: Finding Focus for a Fulfilling Life, which unpacks how our brains operate in the digital world, why we can’t focus, and how we can take back control to find more success in our careers but also more health and wellness in our lives.
Theo Cox is Head of Life Itself Labs, a multidisciplinary research institute and consultancy that works across economics, governance, strategy and technology, and innovates systemic solutions to complex global challenges.
Josh Szeps is an Australian media personality, political satirist, and television presenter. He hosts Afternoon with Josh Szeps on ABC Radio, he hosts the incredibly popular podcast, Uncomfortable Conversations, and he has appeared on numerous high profile outlets over the years, including over a dozen appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience.
My guest today is Bill Ottman, he’s the co-creator and CEO of Minds - an alternative social media platform based on the blockchain that actively rewards users for their contributions, supports freedom of expression, and unlike many competing platforms, is not incentivized to polarize people for the sake of driving higher engagement.
My guest today is Sebastien Borget, co-founder and COO of The Sandbox, one of the world’s biggest and most popular metaverse platforms, with over 2 million wallets connected, and a token with a fully diluted market cap of over US$10 billion. The Sandbox is home to brands and icons such as Snoop Dogg, Adidas, Atari, Steve Aoki, The Walking Dead, and more.
Ben Fairbank is the CEO and Founder of RFOX, a web3 platform on a mission to empower everyone to play, create and earn in an immersive metaverse without borders.
Crews Enochs is a core contributor to the product growth community & institutional working groups at Index Coop, a new-age web3 crypto index fund DAO aiming to become the Blackrock of crypto.
Jin Kang is deal lead at Global Coin Research, an investment DAO that has poured over US$30M into over 40 deals since just last year, generating an astounding 30X+ return in the process.
Monty Preston is the Manager of Art Advisory & Curation at Saatchi Art. Prior to joining Saatchi Art in 2018, she worked at female-led, industry-disrupting startups including Beauty Pie in London, where she managed content and creative, and The RealReal in San Francisco, where she specialized in luxury estate management with a focus on designer apparel and fine art.
In this episode, I interview the co-hosts of the popular podcast What You Will Learn, and now co-authors of The Sh*t They Never Taught You, Adam Jones and Adam Ashton, for a conversation on all things books and life.
Andrew Bogut is one of Australia’s most decorated basketball exports. He was the first overall pick in the 2005 NBA draft, won an NBA championship in 2015 with the Golden State Warriors, and spent 15 years honing his craft in the States, making about US$120M in career earnings.
Paul Fenech is an Australian filmmaker, film and television actor, director, producer, and writer. He is best known for writing, directing, producing, and starring in the television series Pizza, Swift and Shift Couriers, Housos and Bogan Hunters, and the motion picture Fat Pizza.
Sometimes you just have to stand up for your values.
What’s the number one thing holding your productivity back? ……You. It turns out that people switch screens once every 40 seconds in a typical workday. But when we switch screens, we suffer a cognitive switching penalty.
The central idea behind the right to disconnect is that employees don’t have to take calls or read emails after work hours.
Amy Chan is the Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to heal the heart.
In this episode, I explore the role that community was one of the four factors he identified (the others were attitude, nutrition, and movement), and it turns out that there is more to this than just anecdotal observations and theory, but it is grounded in science.
In this episode, I explore the role that working from home is great unless you find yourself sedentary all day.
In this episode, I explore the role that nutrition plays in sustaining our focus for longer while we work.
In this episode, I explore the role that sleep plays in regulating our focus and attention, decision-making, emotions, problem solving, and creativity.
In this video, I explore the role that Values Alignment plays when it comes to performance at work and job satisfaction, and what you can do to define your values and use them in your decision making.
In this video, I explore the role that STRENGTHS-ALIGNMENT plays in getting the best out of yourself every single day.
In this video, I explore the role that PASSION plays when it comes to our performance at work, and how there are TWO types of passion - one that leads to positive outcomes and emotional wellbeing, and one that leads to the VERY OPPOSITE.
In this video, I explore one of the four foundations of high performance, productivity, and effectiveness at work - extrinsic and intrinsic incentives.
In this video, I explore the role that PURPOSE plays when it comes to our performance at work.
Welcome to the WorkFlow podcast.
Martin Lindstrom is the founder and chairman of Lindstrom Company, a global branding & culture transformation firm, operating across five continents and more than 30 countries.
Brad Feld is an American entrepreneur, author, blogger, and venture capitalist at Foundry Group in Boulder, Colorado.
In this episode of Future Squared, workologist and author of Shapers, Jonas Altman, joins Steve Glaveski to talk the future of work.
From humble beginnings with a small supplement retail store in Randwick, Izhar Basha has gone on to create and head internationally recognised and celebrated Australian supplements brand, EHPlabs.
David Prior is a lifelong entrepreneur. He founded Baroda Packaging, which was acquired in 2007, before turning his eye to yoghurt, with Five:AM Organics, which after just three years in the market was acquired for $80 million.
Gad Saad is a Lebanese-Canadian evolutionary psychologist at the John Molson School of Business who applies evolutionary psychology to marketing and consumer behaviour.
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Author
In this episode of Future Squared, founder of Aussie fintech Parpera, shares his journey from Melbourne's northwestern suburbs to EY and London Business School, before founding up and coming fintech, Parpera.
My guest today is Alex Roslaniec, hes a co-founder of fast-growing skincare company, Hey Bud.Hey Bud was founded just 4.5 years ago, and is today available in 130 countries, boasts 200,000 customers, and is stocked in 400 Priceline stores across Australia.
Julia Krieger is the managing partner of Pari Passu Venture Partners, a network of founders supporting founders. She has been both an operator and a venture investor and so has unique perspectives on all things startups and VCs.
My guest today is Chris Saad, he’s a seasoned product and startup builder, co-host of The Startup Podcast, and former Head of Product at Uber's Developer Platform.
In this episode, I sit down with international touring comedian Joe Avati, known for his hilarious takes on Italian-Australian life and its cultural quirks.
Check out my conversation with author Allan Dib on the Future Squared podcast, and level up your marketing!
I was thrilled to welcome back Scott H. Young, a renowned writer, programmer, and avid learner. Scott is here to discuss his latest book, "Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery."
Today's guest is the remarkable Taryn Williams, a veteran entrepreneur who founded Wink Models, The Right Fit (exited), The Influencer Agency (exited), and the innovative gifting service, #Gifted.
Michael Thomsen is a freelancer writer, author, and UFC tragic from New York. He is the author of Cage Kings: How an Unlikely Group of Moguls, Champions & Hustlers Transformed the UFC into a $10 Billion Industry, which unpacks the rapid rise of the UFC an mixed martial arts, the UFC’s business model and economics, the one man tour de force that is longtime UFC president Dana White, the role of the UFC’s owners over time - SEG, Zuffa and Ari Emanuel, and the organization’s anti-competitive behaviors and adversarial relationship with its fighters, which aren’t employees, but independent contractors - most of whom would earn more working a run of the mill admin job in the public sector.
Niki Scevak is co-founder of Startmate, and founder and partner at Blackbird VC, Australia’s largest venture capital fund, with its 5th fund having raised AUD$1B (US$640M). Blackbird was an early investor in Canva, SafetyCulture, CultureAmp, BugCrowd, RedBubble, and many more, and has to date generated a net internal rate of return of 56%.
Oliver Burkeman is a British author and journalist who has written for The Guardian and other publications. He was born in 1975 and has authored several books on topics such as time management, productivity, happiness, and self-help culture.
Mick Wall has spent over four decades interviewing rockstars and chronicling their amazing stories, and today, we're turning the tables on Mick Wall and unpacking his story in this marathon 3-hour and 40-minute, Joe Rogan-esque interview.
Dennis Savic is a pioneering entrepreneur and innovative thinker in the fields of electric vehicles and sustainable transportation.
Torsten Hoffmann is a media entrepreneur, filmmaker, and technology investor. He has produced and directed several documentaries, including "Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It" and the award-winning "Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet" Torsten joins me today to talk about his forthcoming feature documentary, FORTITUDE: Forging the Trillion Dollar Space Economy, which uncovers how a few influential individuals with utopian ideas and vast fortunes are forging a trillion-dollar off-world industry, while inspiring millions of us back on Earth.
Kevin Kelly is a renowned technology writer, futurist, and entrepreneur who co-founded Wired magazine in 1993. He has authored several books on the impact of technology on society, including "The Inevitable" and "What Technology Wants." He is also a sought-after speaker and advisor on emerging technologies and their social and economic implications. His new book, Excellent Advice for Living: WIsdom I Wish I’d Known Earlier, distils Kelly’s timeless advice on everything from right living to setting ambitious goals, optimizing generosity, and cultivating compassion.
My guest today is Mike Todasco, former director of innovation at PayPal, and current self-imposed AI-researcher, and co-author of numerous AI-generated books under the pseudonym Alex Irons.
My guest today is Daniel Cannizzaro, founder of fintech company Parpera. I invited Dan back on to discuss the difficult landscape that startups find themselves in, and how Parpera has been navigating both macroeconomic challenges, and some very unique technical setbacks.
Gloria Mark is a Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. She’s been a visiting senior researcher at Microsoft Research since 2012 and is a recipient of the Google Research Award and the NSF Career award. She’s the author of the new book, Attention Span: Finding Focus for a Fulfilling Life, which unpacks how our brains operate in the digital world, why we can’t focus, and how we can take back control to find more success in our careers but also more health and wellness in our lives.
Theo Cox is Head of Life Itself Labs, a multidisciplinary research institute and consultancy that works across economics, governance, strategy and technology, and innovates systemic solutions to complex global challenges.
Josh Szeps is an Australian media personality, political satirist, and television presenter. He hosts Afternoon with Josh Szeps on ABC Radio, he hosts the incredibly popular podcast, Uncomfortable Conversations, and he has appeared on numerous high profile outlets over the years, including over a dozen appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience.
My guest today is Bill Ottman, he’s the co-creator and CEO of Minds - an alternative social media platform based on the blockchain that actively rewards users for their contributions, supports freedom of expression, and unlike many competing platforms, is not incentivized to polarize people for the sake of driving higher engagement.
My guest today is Sebastien Borget, co-founder and COO of The Sandbox, one of the world’s biggest and most popular metaverse platforms, with over 2 million wallets connected, and a token with a fully diluted market cap of over US$10 billion. The Sandbox is home to brands and icons such as Snoop Dogg, Adidas, Atari, Steve Aoki, The Walking Dead, and more.
Ben Fairbank is the CEO and Founder of RFOX, a web3 platform on a mission to empower everyone to play, create and earn in an immersive metaverse without borders.
Crews Enochs is a core contributor to the product growth community & institutional working groups at Index Coop, a new-age web3 crypto index fund DAO aiming to become the Blackrock of crypto.
Jin Kang is deal lead at Global Coin Research, an investment DAO that has poured over US$30M into over 40 deals since just last year, generating an astounding 30X+ return in the process.
Monty Preston is the Manager of Art Advisory & Curation at Saatchi Art. Prior to joining Saatchi Art in 2018, she worked at female-led, industry-disrupting startups including Beauty Pie in London, where she managed content and creative, and The RealReal in San Francisco, where she specialized in luxury estate management with a focus on designer apparel and fine art.
In this episode, I interview the co-hosts of the popular podcast What You Will Learn, and now co-authors of The Sh*t They Never Taught You, Adam Jones and Adam Ashton, for a conversation on all things books and life.
Andrew Bogut is one of Australia’s most decorated basketball exports. He was the first overall pick in the 2005 NBA draft, won an NBA championship in 2015 with the Golden State Warriors, and spent 15 years honing his craft in the States, making about US$120M in career earnings.
Paul Fenech is an Australian filmmaker, film and television actor, director, producer, and writer. He is best known for writing, directing, producing, and starring in the television series Pizza, Swift and Shift Couriers, Housos and Bogan Hunters, and the motion picture Fat Pizza.
Sometimes you just have to stand up for your values.
What’s the number one thing holding your productivity back? ……You. It turns out that people switch screens once every 40 seconds in a typical workday. But when we switch screens, we suffer a cognitive switching penalty.
The central idea behind the right to disconnect is that employees don’t have to take calls or read emails after work hours.
Amy Chan is the Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to heal the heart.
In this episode, I explore the role that community was one of the four factors he identified (the others were attitude, nutrition, and movement), and it turns out that there is more to this than just anecdotal observations and theory, but it is grounded in science.
In this episode, I explore the role that working from home is great unless you find yourself sedentary all day.
In this episode, I explore the role that nutrition plays in sustaining our focus for longer while we work.
In this episode, I explore the role that sleep plays in regulating our focus and attention, decision-making, emotions, problem solving, and creativity.
In this video, I explore the role that Values Alignment plays when it comes to performance at work and job satisfaction, and what you can do to define your values and use them in your decision making.
In this video, I explore the role that STRENGTHS-ALIGNMENT plays in getting the best out of yourself every single day.
In this video, I explore the role that PASSION plays when it comes to our performance at work, and how there are TWO types of passion - one that leads to positive outcomes and emotional wellbeing, and one that leads to the VERY OPPOSITE.
In this video, I explore one of the four foundations of high performance, productivity, and effectiveness at work - extrinsic and intrinsic incentives.
In this video, I explore the role that PURPOSE plays when it comes to our performance at work.
Welcome to the WorkFlow podcast.
Martin Lindstrom is the founder and chairman of Lindstrom Company, a global branding & culture transformation firm, operating across five continents and more than 30 countries.
Brad Feld is an American entrepreneur, author, blogger, and venture capitalist at Foundry Group in Boulder, Colorado.
In this episode of Future Squared, workologist and author of Shapers, Jonas Altman, joins Steve Glaveski to talk the future of work.
From humble beginnings with a small supplement retail store in Randwick, Izhar Basha has gone on to create and head internationally recognised and celebrated Australian supplements brand, EHPlabs.
David Prior is a lifelong entrepreneur. He founded Baroda Packaging, which was acquired in 2007, before turning his eye to yoghurt, with Five:AM Organics, which after just three years in the market was acquired for $80 million.
Gad Saad is a Lebanese-Canadian evolutionary psychologist at the John Molson School of Business who applies evolutionary psychology to marketing and consumer behaviour.
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Author
In this episode of Future Squared, founder of Aussie fintech Parpera, shares his journey from Melbourne's northwestern suburbs to EY and London Business School, before founding up and coming fintech, Parpera.
My guest today is Alex Roslaniec, hes a co-founder of fast-growing skincare company, Hey Bud.Hey Bud was founded just 4.5 years ago, and is today available in 130 countries, boasts 200,000 customers, and is stocked in 400 Priceline stores across Australia.
Julia Krieger is the managing partner of Pari Passu Venture Partners, a network of founders supporting founders. She has been both an operator and a venture investor and so has unique perspectives on all things startups and VCs.
My guest today is Chris Saad, he’s a seasoned product and startup builder, co-host of The Startup Podcast, and former Head of Product at Uber's Developer Platform.
In this episode, I sit down with international touring comedian Joe Avati, known for his hilarious takes on Italian-Australian life and its cultural quirks.
Check out my conversation with author Allan Dib on the Future Squared podcast, and level up your marketing!
I was thrilled to welcome back Scott H. Young, a renowned writer, programmer, and avid learner. Scott is here to discuss his latest book, "Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery."
Today's guest is the remarkable Taryn Williams, a veteran entrepreneur who founded Wink Models, The Right Fit (exited), The Influencer Agency (exited), and the innovative gifting service, #Gifted.
Michael Thomsen is a freelancer writer, author, and UFC tragic from New York. He is the author of Cage Kings: How an Unlikely Group of Moguls, Champions & Hustlers Transformed the UFC into a $10 Billion Industry, which unpacks the rapid rise of the UFC an mixed martial arts, the UFC’s business model and economics, the one man tour de force that is longtime UFC president Dana White, the role of the UFC’s owners over time - SEG, Zuffa and Ari Emanuel, and the organization’s anti-competitive behaviors and adversarial relationship with its fighters, which aren’t employees, but independent contractors - most of whom would earn more working a run of the mill admin job in the public sector.
Niki Scevak is co-founder of Startmate, and founder and partner at Blackbird VC, Australia’s largest venture capital fund, with its 5th fund having raised AUD$1B (US$640M). Blackbird was an early investor in Canva, SafetyCulture, CultureAmp, BugCrowd, RedBubble, and many more, and has to date generated a net internal rate of return of 56%.
Oliver Burkeman is a British author and journalist who has written for The Guardian and other publications. He was born in 1975 and has authored several books on topics such as time management, productivity, happiness, and self-help culture.
Mick Wall has spent over four decades interviewing rockstars and chronicling their amazing stories, and today, we're turning the tables on Mick Wall and unpacking his story in this marathon 3-hour and 40-minute, Joe Rogan-esque interview.
Dennis Savic is a pioneering entrepreneur and innovative thinker in the fields of electric vehicles and sustainable transportation.
Torsten Hoffmann is a media entrepreneur, filmmaker, and technology investor. He has produced and directed several documentaries, including "Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It" and the award-winning "Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet" Torsten joins me today to talk about his forthcoming feature documentary, FORTITUDE: Forging the Trillion Dollar Space Economy, which uncovers how a few influential individuals with utopian ideas and vast fortunes are forging a trillion-dollar off-world industry, while inspiring millions of us back on Earth.
Kevin Kelly is a renowned technology writer, futurist, and entrepreneur who co-founded Wired magazine in 1993. He has authored several books on the impact of technology on society, including "The Inevitable" and "What Technology Wants." He is also a sought-after speaker and advisor on emerging technologies and their social and economic implications. His new book, Excellent Advice for Living: WIsdom I Wish I’d Known Earlier, distils Kelly’s timeless advice on everything from right living to setting ambitious goals, optimizing generosity, and cultivating compassion.
My guest today is Mike Todasco, former director of innovation at PayPal, and current self-imposed AI-researcher, and co-author of numerous AI-generated books under the pseudonym Alex Irons.
My guest today is Daniel Cannizzaro, founder of fintech company Parpera. I invited Dan back on to discuss the difficult landscape that startups find themselves in, and how Parpera has been navigating both macroeconomic challenges, and some very unique technical setbacks.
Gloria Mark is a Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. She’s been a visiting senior researcher at Microsoft Research since 2012 and is a recipient of the Google Research Award and the NSF Career award. She’s the author of the new book, Attention Span: Finding Focus for a Fulfilling Life, which unpacks how our brains operate in the digital world, why we can’t focus, and how we can take back control to find more success in our careers but also more health and wellness in our lives.
Theo Cox is Head of Life Itself Labs, a multidisciplinary research institute and consultancy that works across economics, governance, strategy and technology, and innovates systemic solutions to complex global challenges.
Josh Szeps is an Australian media personality, political satirist, and television presenter. He hosts Afternoon with Josh Szeps on ABC Radio, he hosts the incredibly popular podcast, Uncomfortable Conversations, and he has appeared on numerous high profile outlets over the years, including over a dozen appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience.
My guest today is Bill Ottman, he’s the co-creator and CEO of Minds - an alternative social media platform based on the blockchain that actively rewards users for their contributions, supports freedom of expression, and unlike many competing platforms, is not incentivized to polarize people for the sake of driving higher engagement.
My guest today is Sebastien Borget, co-founder and COO of The Sandbox, one of the world’s biggest and most popular metaverse platforms, with over 2 million wallets connected, and a token with a fully diluted market cap of over US$10 billion. The Sandbox is home to brands and icons such as Snoop Dogg, Adidas, Atari, Steve Aoki, The Walking Dead, and more.
Ben Fairbank is the CEO and Founder of RFOX, a web3 platform on a mission to empower everyone to play, create and earn in an immersive metaverse without borders.
Crews Enochs is a core contributor to the product growth community & institutional working groups at Index Coop, a new-age web3 crypto index fund DAO aiming to become the Blackrock of crypto.
Jin Kang is deal lead at Global Coin Research, an investment DAO that has poured over US$30M into over 40 deals since just last year, generating an astounding 30X+ return in the process.
Monty Preston is the Manager of Art Advisory & Curation at Saatchi Art. Prior to joining Saatchi Art in 2018, she worked at female-led, industry-disrupting startups including Beauty Pie in London, where she managed content and creative, and The RealReal in San Francisco, where she specialized in luxury estate management with a focus on designer apparel and fine art.
In this episode, I interview the co-hosts of the popular podcast What You Will Learn, and now co-authors of The Sh*t They Never Taught You, Adam Jones and Adam Ashton, for a conversation on all things books and life.
Andrew Bogut is one of Australia’s most decorated basketball exports. He was the first overall pick in the 2005 NBA draft, won an NBA championship in 2015 with the Golden State Warriors, and spent 15 years honing his craft in the States, making about US$120M in career earnings.
Paul Fenech is an Australian filmmaker, film and television actor, director, producer, and writer. He is best known for writing, directing, producing, and starring in the television series Pizza, Swift and Shift Couriers, Housos and Bogan Hunters, and the motion picture Fat Pizza.
Sometimes you just have to stand up for your values.
What’s the number one thing holding your productivity back? ……You. It turns out that people switch screens once every 40 seconds in a typical workday. But when we switch screens, we suffer a cognitive switching penalty.
The central idea behind the right to disconnect is that employees don’t have to take calls or read emails after work hours.
Amy Chan is the Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to heal the heart.
In this episode, I explore the role that community was one of the four factors he identified (the others were attitude, nutrition, and movement), and it turns out that there is more to this than just anecdotal observations and theory, but it is grounded in science.
In this episode, I explore the role that working from home is great unless you find yourself sedentary all day.
In this episode, I explore the role that nutrition plays in sustaining our focus for longer while we work.
In this episode, I explore the role that sleep plays in regulating our focus and attention, decision-making, emotions, problem solving, and creativity.
In this video, I explore the role that Values Alignment plays when it comes to performance at work and job satisfaction, and what you can do to define your values and use them in your decision making.
In this video, I explore the role that STRENGTHS-ALIGNMENT plays in getting the best out of yourself every single day.
In this video, I explore the role that PASSION plays when it comes to our performance at work, and how there are TWO types of passion - one that leads to positive outcomes and emotional wellbeing, and one that leads to the VERY OPPOSITE.
In this video, I explore one of the four foundations of high performance, productivity, and effectiveness at work - extrinsic and intrinsic incentives.
In this video, I explore the role that PURPOSE plays when it comes to our performance at work.
Welcome to the WorkFlow podcast.
Martin Lindstrom is the founder and chairman of Lindstrom Company, a global branding & culture transformation firm, operating across five continents and more than 30 countries.
Brad Feld is an American entrepreneur, author, blogger, and venture capitalist at Foundry Group in Boulder, Colorado.
In this episode of Future Squared, workologist and author of Shapers, Jonas Altman, joins Steve Glaveski to talk the future of work.
From humble beginnings with a small supplement retail store in Randwick, Izhar Basha has gone on to create and head internationally recognised and celebrated Australian supplements brand, EHPlabs.
David Prior is a lifelong entrepreneur. He founded Baroda Packaging, which was acquired in 2007, before turning his eye to yoghurt, with Five:AM Organics, which after just three years in the market was acquired for $80 million.
Gad Saad is a Lebanese-Canadian evolutionary psychologist at the John Molson School of Business who applies evolutionary psychology to marketing and consumer behaviour.
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Author
In this episode of Future Squared, founder of Aussie fintech Parpera, shares his journey from Melbourne's northwestern suburbs to EY and London Business School, before founding up and coming fintech, Parpera.
My guest today is Alex Roslaniec, hes a co-founder of fast-growing skincare company, Hey Bud.Hey Bud was founded just 4.5 years ago, and is today available in 130 countries, boasts 200,000 customers, and is stocked in 400 Priceline stores across Australia.
Julia Krieger is the managing partner of Pari Passu Venture Partners, a network of founders supporting founders. She has been both an operator and a venture investor and so has unique perspectives on all things startups and VCs.
My guest today is Chris Saad, he’s a seasoned product and startup builder, co-host of The Startup Podcast, and former Head of Product at Uber's Developer Platform.
In this episode, I sit down with international touring comedian Joe Avati, known for his hilarious takes on Italian-Australian life and its cultural quirks.
Check out my conversation with author Allan Dib on the Future Squared podcast, and level up your marketing!
I was thrilled to welcome back Scott H. Young, a renowned writer, programmer, and avid learner. Scott is here to discuss his latest book, "Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery."
Today's guest is the remarkable Taryn Williams, a veteran entrepreneur who founded Wink Models, The Right Fit (exited), The Influencer Agency (exited), and the innovative gifting service, #Gifted.
Michael Thomsen is a freelancer writer, author, and UFC tragic from New York. He is the author of Cage Kings: How an Unlikely Group of Moguls, Champions & Hustlers Transformed the UFC into a $10 Billion Industry, which unpacks the rapid rise of the UFC an mixed martial arts, the UFC’s business model and economics, the one man tour de force that is longtime UFC president Dana White, the role of the UFC’s owners over time - SEG, Zuffa and Ari Emanuel, and the organization’s anti-competitive behaviors and adversarial relationship with its fighters, which aren’t employees, but independent contractors - most of whom would earn more working a run of the mill admin job in the public sector.
Niki Scevak is co-founder of Startmate, and founder and partner at Blackbird VC, Australia’s largest venture capital fund, with its 5th fund having raised AUD$1B (US$640M). Blackbird was an early investor in Canva, SafetyCulture, CultureAmp, BugCrowd, RedBubble, and many more, and has to date generated a net internal rate of return of 56%.
Oliver Burkeman is a British author and journalist who has written for The Guardian and other publications. He was born in 1975 and has authored several books on topics such as time management, productivity, happiness, and self-help culture.
Mick Wall has spent over four decades interviewing rockstars and chronicling their amazing stories, and today, we're turning the tables on Mick Wall and unpacking his story in this marathon 3-hour and 40-minute, Joe Rogan-esque interview.
Dennis Savic is a pioneering entrepreneur and innovative thinker in the fields of electric vehicles and sustainable transportation.
Torsten Hoffmann is a media entrepreneur, filmmaker, and technology investor. He has produced and directed several documentaries, including "Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It" and the award-winning "Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet" Torsten joins me today to talk about his forthcoming feature documentary, FORTITUDE: Forging the Trillion Dollar Space Economy, which uncovers how a few influential individuals with utopian ideas and vast fortunes are forging a trillion-dollar off-world industry, while inspiring millions of us back on Earth.
Kevin Kelly is a renowned technology writer, futurist, and entrepreneur who co-founded Wired magazine in 1993. He has authored several books on the impact of technology on society, including "The Inevitable" and "What Technology Wants." He is also a sought-after speaker and advisor on emerging technologies and their social and economic implications. His new book, Excellent Advice for Living: WIsdom I Wish I’d Known Earlier, distils Kelly’s timeless advice on everything from right living to setting ambitious goals, optimizing generosity, and cultivating compassion.
My guest today is Mike Todasco, former director of innovation at PayPal, and current self-imposed AI-researcher, and co-author of numerous AI-generated books under the pseudonym Alex Irons.
My guest today is Daniel Cannizzaro, founder of fintech company Parpera. I invited Dan back on to discuss the difficult landscape that startups find themselves in, and how Parpera has been navigating both macroeconomic challenges, and some very unique technical setbacks.
Gloria Mark is a Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. She’s been a visiting senior researcher at Microsoft Research since 2012 and is a recipient of the Google Research Award and the NSF Career award. She’s the author of the new book, Attention Span: Finding Focus for a Fulfilling Life, which unpacks how our brains operate in the digital world, why we can’t focus, and how we can take back control to find more success in our careers but also more health and wellness in our lives.
Theo Cox is Head of Life Itself Labs, a multidisciplinary research institute and consultancy that works across economics, governance, strategy and technology, and innovates systemic solutions to complex global challenges.
Josh Szeps is an Australian media personality, political satirist, and television presenter. He hosts Afternoon with Josh Szeps on ABC Radio, he hosts the incredibly popular podcast, Uncomfortable Conversations, and he has appeared on numerous high profile outlets over the years, including over a dozen appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience.
My guest today is Bill Ottman, he’s the co-creator and CEO of Minds - an alternative social media platform based on the blockchain that actively rewards users for their contributions, supports freedom of expression, and unlike many competing platforms, is not incentivized to polarize people for the sake of driving higher engagement.
My guest today is Sebastien Borget, co-founder and COO of The Sandbox, one of the world’s biggest and most popular metaverse platforms, with over 2 million wallets connected, and a token with a fully diluted market cap of over US$10 billion. The Sandbox is home to brands and icons such as Snoop Dogg, Adidas, Atari, Steve Aoki, The Walking Dead, and more.
Ben Fairbank is the CEO and Founder of RFOX, a web3 platform on a mission to empower everyone to play, create and earn in an immersive metaverse without borders.
Crews Enochs is a core contributor to the product growth community & institutional working groups at Index Coop, a new-age web3 crypto index fund DAO aiming to become the Blackrock of crypto.
Jin Kang is deal lead at Global Coin Research, an investment DAO that has poured over US$30M into over 40 deals since just last year, generating an astounding 30X+ return in the process.
Monty Preston is the Manager of Art Advisory & Curation at Saatchi Art. Prior to joining Saatchi Art in 2018, she worked at female-led, industry-disrupting startups including Beauty Pie in London, where she managed content and creative, and The RealReal in San Francisco, where she specialized in luxury estate management with a focus on designer apparel and fine art.
In this episode, I interview the co-hosts of the popular podcast What You Will Learn, and now co-authors of The Sh*t They Never Taught You, Adam Jones and Adam Ashton, for a conversation on all things books and life.
Andrew Bogut is one of Australia’s most decorated basketball exports. He was the first overall pick in the 2005 NBA draft, won an NBA championship in 2015 with the Golden State Warriors, and spent 15 years honing his craft in the States, making about US$120M in career earnings.
Paul Fenech is an Australian filmmaker, film and television actor, director, producer, and writer. He is best known for writing, directing, producing, and starring in the television series Pizza, Swift and Shift Couriers, Housos and Bogan Hunters, and the motion picture Fat Pizza.
Sometimes you just have to stand up for your values.
What’s the number one thing holding your productivity back? ……You. It turns out that people switch screens once every 40 seconds in a typical workday. But when we switch screens, we suffer a cognitive switching penalty.
The central idea behind the right to disconnect is that employees don’t have to take calls or read emails after work hours.
Amy Chan is the Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to heal the heart.
In this episode, I explore the role that community was one of the four factors he identified (the others were attitude, nutrition, and movement), and it turns out that there is more to this than just anecdotal observations and theory, but it is grounded in science.
In this episode, I explore the role that working from home is great unless you find yourself sedentary all day.
In this episode, I explore the role that nutrition plays in sustaining our focus for longer while we work.
In this episode, I explore the role that sleep plays in regulating our focus and attention, decision-making, emotions, problem solving, and creativity.
In this video, I explore the role that Values Alignment plays when it comes to performance at work and job satisfaction, and what you can do to define your values and use them in your decision making.
In this video, I explore the role that STRENGTHS-ALIGNMENT plays in getting the best out of yourself every single day.
In this video, I explore the role that PASSION plays when it comes to our performance at work, and how there are TWO types of passion - one that leads to positive outcomes and emotional wellbeing, and one that leads to the VERY OPPOSITE.
In this video, I explore one of the four foundations of high performance, productivity, and effectiveness at work - extrinsic and intrinsic incentives.
In this video, I explore the role that PURPOSE plays when it comes to our performance at work.
Welcome to the WorkFlow podcast.
Martin Lindstrom is the founder and chairman of Lindstrom Company, a global branding & culture transformation firm, operating across five continents and more than 30 countries.
Brad Feld is an American entrepreneur, author, blogger, and venture capitalist at Foundry Group in Boulder, Colorado.
In this episode of Future Squared, workologist and author of Shapers, Jonas Altman, joins Steve Glaveski to talk the future of work.
From humble beginnings with a small supplement retail store in Randwick, Izhar Basha has gone on to create and head internationally recognised and celebrated Australian supplements brand, EHPlabs.
David Prior is a lifelong entrepreneur. He founded Baroda Packaging, which was acquired in 2007, before turning his eye to yoghurt, with Five:AM Organics, which after just three years in the market was acquired for $80 million.
Gad Saad is a Lebanese-Canadian evolutionary psychologist at the John Molson School of Business who applies evolutionary psychology to marketing and consumer behaviour.
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Author
In this episode of Future Squared, founder of Aussie fintech Parpera, shares his journey from Melbourne's northwestern suburbs to EY and London Business School, before founding up and coming fintech, Parpera.
Here's a summary of neuroendocrinologist Robert Sapolsky’s 2017 book, Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst, which has been the best book I’ve read this year by far. I distilled the 680 page book into 40 Google Doc pages of notes and now aim to further distill some of the key points into this blog post for your consumption.
In poker, your bankroll represents how much money you’ve set aside exclusively to play. By playing within your bankroll you’re less likely to fall victim to the sunk cost bias - our tendency to chase our losses - or to bet more than you can afford to lose. How much are you willing to lose?
Ben Greenfield is a biohacker, human body and brain performance coach, ex-bodybuilder, Ironman triathlete, professional Spartan athlete, anti-aging consultant, speaker and author of the New York Times Bestseller “Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health and Life”.
In this instalment of Fast Fix Friday I bust three innovation myths.
Alex is an entrepreneur, speaker and business model innovator. He is co-founder of Strategyzer, a SaaS company that helps organizations develop new growth engines, better value propositions and powerful business models via online applications and facilitated online courses.
Rand Fishkin is the founder of SparkToro and was previously cofounder of Moz and He’s dedicated his professional life to helping people do better marketing through the Whiteboard Friday video series and his blog.
In this instalment of Fast Fix Friday I explore how the real reason traditional large companies struggle to innovate could be physiological.
In this episode of Fast Fix Friday, I explore 12 tools and techniques that can help you to stay focused long after the initial buzz o the honeymoon period wears off.
James Nguyen is the co-founder and managing partner of Anti-Hero Capital, the first investment fund exclusively dedicated to investing in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies using evolutionary science.
Many have credited Optus for taking ownership with the advertisements it took out on page two of newspaper across Australia, admitting its “monumental stuff up” and announcing that it would be refunding Floptus, er, Optus Sport subscribers and giving them an additional six weeks of free access to the service after the World Cup comes to a close in mid-July. But was this a case of extreme ownership or of simply being backed into a corner?
In this funisode of Future Squared, I welcome back into the fold my colleagues Sean and Shay to talk about, well...everything we wanted to.
I talk about some strategies of war that are relevant to the workplace as well.
This week I explore the notion of 'strong opinions, loosely held' and why it is one of the most profound philosophies you can take with you in business and life.
This week, I tell the 100 word version of the Odyssey and relate it to entrepreneurship.
In today's episode, we talk about speed. Speed means time, and time is fundamental to success.
Mike Todasco is the Director of Innovation at PayPal responsible for increasing the creative output of employees across the company. Prior to that Mike spent time at PayPal in Product Management, Product Marketing, Product Launch and Product Analytics roles.
In this episode of Fast Fix Friday I explore the value of traveling solo all the way from sunny Lincoln, Nebraska.
It seems that everybody wants to build the next UBER, the next unicorn, but do you need to? Would you not be happy generating a six-figure income doing what you love and having freedom over your decisions, not having to report to a boss who is simply in that role due to political maneuvering or length of tenure? You’ve got to be clear on defining what kind of business you want to build.
Dr. Sherry Walling is the life force behind ZenFounder. She is a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive experience treating stress-related problems in high achieving people.
n this episode of Fast Fix Friday, I get vulnerable and reveal a personal story on how I got fired from my first real job...and more importantly, how I responded.
Jeremy Heimans is the co-founder and CEO of Purpose, an organization headquartered in New York that builds and supports social movements around the world.
In this week's instalment of Fast Fix Friday, I talk about the number one thing holding back your organization from innovating.
Grant Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author and an internationally renowned speaker on leadership, real estate investing, entrepreneurship, and finance.
For many years China was considered a basketcase with its population, resigned to a life of poverty in the rice fields .
Fears that once helped keep our ancestors alive, today, more of often than not, serve to limit our experience of life.
Adam Grant has been Wharton’s top-rated teacher for four straight years. He has been recognized as one of the world’s 25 most influential management thinkers and the world's top 40 business professors under 40.
Today, I want to talk why you should leave things unfinished. What's that you say? This doesn’t sound like the Steve we know. And you’d be right to think that, but please hear me out in this instalment of Fast Fix Friday. You might be pleasantly surprised!
5 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Organisation
You might be wondering why I invited a comedian to appear on the show. For one, there are many parallels between making it as a comedian, a musician, an athlete and an entrepreneur and we explore them in today’s conversation. That and Arj’s show, which I was lucky enough to catch on the Saturday night before this conversation, was heavy on tech talk, making fun of our tendency to become furious by 5 minute UBER wait times in this, the age of instant gratification.
Brian Ardinger is the founder of NXXT, the podcast, and the Inside/Outside Innovation Summit. For over 25 years Brian has been helping entrepreneurs and enterprises navigate and compete in a world of change and disruption.
My Smartphone Addiction and How I Overcame It
Jon Satterley is an experienced entertainment & media industry executive and thought leader. I have been recognized as an innovator with expert knowledge of new products, emerging technology and digital business strategy.
In the early days of Collective Campus, like most new organisations, we kept ourselves afloat by taking part time jobs on the side and working with a number of small clients who paid us just enough to keep the lights on. After building up enough case studies and collateral working with smaller organisations, we worked our way up and eventually hooked our first big A-list client, a global law firm with over 1,200 employees and revenues in excess of US$1B. Long story short, we f*cked up.
Making Better Decisions with Annie Duke
What are you fighting for?
In this episode of Future Squared, I welcome back DAVID BURKUS, named one of the world’s top business thought leaders by Thinkers50 last year.
While spreading the butter thin might be good for the waistline, it won’t be as good for your business or career.
Nicole is an IT impacts expert who is best known for her work with tech professionals and as the lead investigator on the largest DevOps studies to date.
In this episode of Fast Fix Friday, I talk about something that we are all liable to be blindsided by.
Bryan Caplan is Professor of Economics at George Mason University.
If you’re asking for a warm introduction to somebody, who has thousands of connections, this can become quite the task, nor is there any way to find out just how well connected they are to these people - I often get the response “oh, I don’t actually really know the person of interest”, as is the case with most social networks. Find out what to ask instead in today's instalment of Fast Fix Friday.
Alex Hutchinson is National Magazine Award-winning journalist who writes about the science of endurance for Runner’s World and Outside, and frequently contributes to other publications such as the New York Times and the New Yorker.
The OODA loop was a tool developed by military strategist John Boyd. Boyd was a US Air Force fighter pilot and Pentagon consultant whose theories have been highly influential in not just the military, but in sports, business and litigation.
Jeremy Bailenson is founding director of Stanford University’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab and a Faculty Leader at Stanford’s Center for Longevity.
The tendency to speed up as we approach the finishing line in a race is called ‘the finishing kick’ by Alex Hutchinson, and it can be found not only in endurance sports, but weightlifting, and if you look closely enough, the workplace.
Primavera De Filippi is a permanent researcher at the National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS) in Paris.
In this episode of Fast Fix Friday, I tell a story that encapsulates a worrying trend signifying the end of not only deep work, but also deep leisure.
Today, I talk discipline, and how small decisions made repeatedly could be the difference between a super fulfilling life and a less than rewarding one.
Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, Ph.D. Certified Speaking Professional, is an author and global speaker hailed as a “champion for introverts.”
For today’s instalment of Fast Fix Friday, let's talk why ideas and why they're overrated.
Adam is an Associate Professor of Marketing and Psychology at New York University’s Stern School of Business, and the author of Drunk Tank Pink, a New York Times bestseller about the forces that shape how we think, feel, and behave, and Irresistible, a book about the rise of tech addiction and what we should do about it.
80:20 should be nothing new to listeners of Future Squared but breaking it down in order to identify and leverage your highest value customers to dramatically grow your business might be.
In this episode of Future Squared, we welcome back Sean and Shay from Collective Campus to talk about our musings, ponderings and predictions for 2018 when it comes to technology and innovation.
In the very first instalment of Fast Fix Friday for the year, I thought it would make sense to talk about your goals for the year - not only how to set them but some things you might want to put into place to help you achieve them!
In recent times when Eric Ries met with senior executives at Toyota, famed for their lean production system, they echoed Drucker’s words and said “we’ve got a system for efficiently producing widgets but we don’t have a system for deciding what to produce in the first place”. Yes, whatever decision you are making in life it’s important to determine whether you are focusing on the right decision in the first place. Thus is the nature of today's instalment of Fast Fix Friday.
n this episode of Fast Fix Friday, I'll provide one way we go about making decisions at Collective Campus, which admittedly, works best when working in a team of at least three trustworthy, radically honest people who have enough experience in said areas to facilitate a constructive process.
Tim O’Reilly popularised the terms Open Source and Web 2.0.
In this episode of Fast Fix Friday we unpack the five ways that investment can KILL innovation.
Perry Marshall is one of the world's most expensive and sought-after business consultants, endorsed by FORBES, INC Magazine, and the most respected entrepreneurs in the world
In this instalment of Fast Fix Friday, I talk the most valuable thing I've learned hosting this podcast.
In this episode of Future Squared, I bring you our Melbourne panel discussion which took place at Collective Campus and featured Gabrielle McMillan of Equiem, Josh Rowe of realAs, David Hodges of Loc8 and of course, Aidan Coleman, CIO/CTO of Charter Hall.
Scott is a clinical professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business, and a public speaker, author, and entrepreneur.
As more large companies begin to embark upon audacious transformation plans and set up innovation teams, more corporate professionals are being introduced to a world in which terms like design thinking, lean, agile, pivot, experiment, fail, adapt and so on are used almost interchangeably.
Alison Stratten is co-author of 4 best selling business books, co-owner of UnMarketing Inc and co-host of The UnPodcast - the other half of that co, her husband Scott, who was named one of the Top 5 Social Media Influencers in the world by
Here's what corporate innovation teams can learn from Jeff Immelt's ousting at GE.
Sean is the Senior Environmental Strategist at City West Water where he works across a range of areas including climate change, renewable energy, resource recovery and sustainability.
More often than not, senior management and the C-suite assume that exploring disruptive innovation is incredibly risky, and it is.
Collective Campus recently announced the AsiaPac’s first virtual and augmented reality startup accelerator, the Village Roadshow Xperience Accelerator, in collaboration with Microsoft.
I recently had the pleasure of appearing on the Design and Play podcast with Steve Brophy and Dean Pearman.
I’ve been using virtual assistants for several years.
Bernard Leong is currently the Head of Post Office Network & Digital Services in Singapore Post, an angel investor within the Southeast Asia entrepreneurial ecosystem.
The world is changing faster than ever and up to 60% of today’s jobs are likely to be automated in the next 10-15 years.
David Mead is an author and igniter for Simon Sinek, author of three best-selling books: Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last and Together is Better.
Winning buy-in from senior and middle management for corporate innovation initiatives is one of the biggest challenges intrapreneurs face.
Liz Wiseman teaches leadership to executives around the world.
What gets measured gets managed.
Tim Hardford is an economist, author, TED speaker, journalist and broadcaster.
In this episode of Fast Fix Friday I share a personal story about a childhood friend of mine and why teaching entrepreneurship to kids is about a lot more than teaching them how to solve problems or make money.
Cy Wakeman is a dynamic international keynote speaker, business consultant, New York Times bestselling author, and global thought leader with over 25 years experience cultivating a revolutionary new approach to leadership.
While we - human beings - like to think of ourselves as rational creatures, the truth is we are anything but.
Jason Calacanis is a tech entrepreneur, wildly successful angel investor, and the host of the popular weekly podcast This Week in Startups.
Today, an important observation I’ve made this week. Regular listeners will know that I’m a prolific blogger, if I can use that term, of sorts, having published over 200 blogs in the past couple of years.
Disruptive ideas usually don’t see light of day at large companies. And when they do, it’s not for long.
Get out of the building from day one they say. It will be fun they say.
Gretchen Rubin is the author of The Happiness Project, Happier at Home, Better Than Before, and her newest book, The Four Tendencies - The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better (and Other People’s Lives Better Too), which comes out this September.
I left the corporate world years ago not only because I managed to raise funding to pursue my own startup ideabut mostly because there was little to no incentive for managers to encourage new ideas or change.
Brad Stulberg writes about health and the science of human performance.
Recently staying in a hotel I had a less than perfect experience, being moved rooms at my inconvenience and a few power outages.
If you’re a long-time listener you’d be very familiar with the three lightning round questions I ask my guests at the end of each show - one of which is on the daily rituals and routines they maintain to stay on top of their games.
When it comes to innovation and entrepreneurship, a number of core qualities or attributes are fundamental to success, which are best encapsulated by the four Ps unpacked in this episode of Fast Fix Friday!
In this episode of Future Squared, I answer a number of questions that have been posed to me, either from workshop participants or from emails and tweets I’ve received from listeners.
In this episode, I talk how I'm feeling right now and a big choice I had to make when waking up, post holiday this morning.
Collective Campus hosted Disrupt the Public Sector, its annual conference on innovation in Government, for the third time this year as part of the Australian Government’s Innovation Month 2017.
Here are our team’s favourite company pivots of all time.
Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and well-respected figures in bitcoin.
Large organisations are engaging startups in growing numbers.